OTN Virtual Developer Day content now available on-demand

Thank you to everyone who attended the SQL pattern matching session during yesterday's OTN Virtual Developer Day event. We had a great crowd of people join our live workshop session. I hope everyone enjoyed using the amazing platform which the OTN team put together to host the event.  

The great news is that all the content from the event is now available for download and you can watch the all on-demand videos from the four tracks (Big Data DBA, Big Data Developer, Database DBA and Database Developer). 

The link to fantastic OTN VDD platform is here: https://oracle.6connex.com/portal/database2014/login?langR=en_US&mcc=aceinvite and this is what the landing pad page looks like:



This page will give you access to the keynote session by Tom Kyte and Jonathan Lewis which covered the landscape of Oracle DB technology evolution and adoption.  The content looks at what's next for Oracle Database 12c looking at the high value technologies and techniques that are driving greater database efficiencies and innovation.

You will be able to access the videos, slides from each presentation and a huge range of technical hands-on labs covering big data and database technologies, including my SQL Pattern Matching workshop. If you want to download the the Virtualbox image for the Database tracks it is available here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/databaseappdev-vm-161299.html (this contains everything you need to run my SQL Pattern Matching workshop).

While you doing the workshop, if you have any questions then please feel free to email me - keith.laker@oracle.com.



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