Webcast - Introduction to Big Data

An important date for your 2012 calendar : January 12 2012, at 12:00PM ET
Join David Segleau, Director of Product Management at Oracle, and an expert on NoSQL. David will discuss the spectrum of big data solutions, and then focus on two common technologies for capturing and storing big data: Hadoop Distributed File System and Oracle NoSQL Database. He will discuss the approach and strengths of each application, and provide use cases for when to use each one. The presentation concludes by summarizing how to transform and filter data as needed, loading it into an Oracle data warehouse for the deep analytics needed to generate new insight.
In this webcast you will learn about: - Oracle's big data solutions

  • Different big data use cases with technology recommendations
  • The strengths of both Oracle NoSQL
  • Database and Hadoop Distributed file system

To register for the webcast go here: http://www.information-management.com/web_seminars/-10021607-1.html



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