Forbes: Thomson Reuters Transforms Big Data Into Big Business

This is a great interview with Thomson Reuters chief operating officer for Technology Rick King in online edition of Forbes. The interview was conducted by Bob Evans who is Senior vice-president, communications, for Oracle Corp.
This interview gets to the heart of what we are trying to achieve with our engineered system and the way we work with our customers to understand how they are using our technology. The quote from King on final page of the interview really sums this up:
“We rely on companies like Oracle to be a big part of our innovation. We don’t really produce technology, we use other people’s technology in a way that brings together our content and delivers it in a different way. We need players like Oracle to be really innovative in their space to ensure we can be innovative in ours.
The article is available here:
There is an excellent video interview with Rick King in the online Innovators Playbook which you can view here:
Also nice to see DB2 being replaced by Oracle as well: with Oracle in a sweeping range of projects that replaced many instances of IBM DB2 with Oracle Database" which is definitely a great way to end a dull wet Wednesday afternoon here in the UK.


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