OpenWorld on your iPad and iPhone - UPDATED!

In my last blog post I provided links to our OpenWorld data warehouse web app for smartphones and tablets. Now that the OOW team has released the session schedule (it is now live on the OpenWorld site) I have updated my iPhone and iPad apps to include the list of sessions on a day-by-day basis (Sunday, Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). The list of sessions can still be viewed in subject area order (data warehousing, performance and scalability, analytics, unstructured data, industry models and big data) within the app via the “Switch to subject view” link in the top left part of the screen.

Updated-iPad-OOW2014 Updated-iPhone-OOW2014
I have also added a location map which can be viewed by clicking on the linked-text, “View location map", which is in the top right part of the screen on each application. The location map that is available within both the iPad and iPhone apps is shown below:
Oow locations

If you want to run these updated web apps on your smartphone and/or tablet then you can reuse the existing links that I published on my last blog post. If you missed that post then  follow these links:
Android users: I have tested the app on Android and there appears to be a bug in the way the Chrome browser displays frames since scrolling within frames does not work . The app does work correctly if you use either the Android version of the Opera browser or the standard Samsung browser on Samsung devices.

If you have any comments about the app (content you would like to see) then please let me know. Enjoy OpenWorld and, if you have time, it would be great to see you if you want to stop by at the Parallel Execution and Analytical SQL demo booth.

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